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Best time to detect fields
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Mark Van Stappen [MarkVS]Medlem

Wisconsin USA
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IndlægSkrevet: Fre Okt 04, 2019 12:16 am    TrÃ¥d: Best time to detect fields Besvar, med citat

Hi All, I am a frequent visitor to Denmark. We visit my wife's family every year. I have started to detect while I am there and was wondering when is the best time of year to detect the fields?. I have no idea when crops come off the fields and if that is the best time to get into the fields to detect. I would then look to alter our visits to better match those times. Then I can focus on finding some fields to detect!! Detect a lot over here in the US, I feel lucky when I find items from the mid 1800's. I am in awe of the finds that you folks make in Denmark. So very luck to have access to such historic things. Thanks much for all your help!

(Silver Walker I found this summer at a early 1900's house)
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Admin [admin]Medlem

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IndlægSkrevet: Søn Okt 06, 2019 10:44 am    TrÃ¥d: Re: Best time to detect fields Besvar, med citat

Harvest is normally in august, crop fields are mostly available from September onwards (some available until april). Be aware that the rules for detecting is alot different than in the States. You have to bag and record the exact GPS position of every find, and deliver the finds to the local museum, unless you are 100% certain they are not "Danefæ". You cant take old finds on display in your home.
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Mark Van Stappen [MarkVS]Medlem

Wisconsin USA
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IndlægSkrevet: Søn Okt 06, 2019 2:04 pm    TrÃ¥d: Re: Best time to detect fields Besvar, med citat

Good day, Thanks so much for the information. I was guessing it would follow our schedule here in the Midwest part of the U.S. For sure detecting rules are very different there in Denmark. I was fortunate enough to find an old item last year (receiving proper permissions to detect) and indeed turned it over to the Kroppedal museum along with the GPS coordinates. Thanks so much for the information.

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Henrik Brinch Christiansen [Henrik Brinch]Medlem

Gram, Sønderjylland
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IndlægSkrevet: Søn Okt 06, 2019 6:31 pm    TrÃ¥d: Re: Best time to detect fields Besvar, med citat

Good to hear Mark, i do recall a "blikfibel", i think that was you, wonderful find !
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Mark Van Stappen [MarkVS]Medlem

Wisconsin USA
Indmeldt: Sep 04, 2018
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IndlægSkrevet: Søn Okt 06, 2019 10:43 pm    TrÃ¥d: Re: Best time to detect fields Besvar, med citat

Hey Henrik - yes the one you helped me with! I am approaching retirement and hope to spend more time in Denmark . I have been for a long time, just never got around to detecting. I am using a Etrac and now have to learn how a Danish beer cap sounds like compared to the U.S.! I was there a month ago and detected a semi suburban area near Albertslund. Found a good handful of modern coins and a lot of dog tags...nothing old. Very high trash areas that I hunted near. Sort of similar to the areas I detect here. Old farms are just full of nails and such. I am detecting a late 1800's farm house now that was located in a town near me. It was along a road called "Plank Road". It was one of the very early roads by us that was actually cut through the wilderness with the help of missionaries and local Indians. I have found some old military buttons along with old coins and some old tokens. Pretty old for us over here but nothing like in Denmark. Thanks again and great hearing from you.
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